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Homeopathy Treatment for Painful Periods

Writer's picture: Dr. Komal GautamDr. Komal Gautam

Updated: Jun 9, 2020

 Painful periods is called as Dysmenorrhoea. There is abdominal pain (menstrual cramps) that occour before or during menstruation.

Symptoms of Painful Periods

- You may suffer from the pain in lower abdomen, back and pelvis (the lower part of the abdomen that is located between the hip bones in a female).

- Pain may radiate to the thighs and lower back.

- Pain may occur 1 or 2 days before onset of period and may subside once the flow begins or sometimes symptoms may last up to 2 to 3 days. 

- Menstrual pain may be cramping, cutting, stitching, spasmodic or sometimes may be so severe that it may hamper day to day life activities, forcing you to lie on bed.

- Associated symptoms often co-occurring with menstrual pain include nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, headache, dizziness, disorientation, fainting and fatigue, painful tender breasts, mental irritability, etc.

Dysmenorrhea is associated with changes in hormonal levels in the body that occur with ovulation. Sometimes dysmenorrhoea symptoms occour immediately after ovulation and continues till end of your period.

In particular, prostaglandins induce abdominal contractions that can cause pain and gastrointestinal symptoms(nausea,vomiting, diarrhoea), etc.

Causes of Painful Periods

- Primary Dysmenorrhea

It occurs without an associated underlying condition. In young women, painful periods often occur due to low hemoglobin, internal weakness, etc.

- Secondary Dysmenorrhea

It has a specific underlying cause, typically a condition that affects the uterus or other reproductive organs.

In adult and elderly women, it is more often due to an underlying issues such as uterine fibroids, adenomyosis or endometriosis, ovarian cysts, pelvic congestion due to PID pelvic inflammatory disease), etc.

Types of Painful Periods

1. Spasmodic Dysmenorrhea

It is the most common dysmenorrhea with cramping pains, mostly on the first and second day of menstruation.

The pain is of uterine origin, seen in young girls. Causes may be narrow cervix, uterine abnormalities, hormonal factors, psychogenic causes ( seen in fearful, anxious women with low threshold for pain), etc.

2. Congestive Dysmenorrhea

It is manifested as increasing pelvic discomfort and pelvic pain few days before the commencement of menses.

It is always relieved by the menstrual flow. Patient is elderly beyond 30 years. The pain is always related to pelvic inflammatory disease or pelvic endometriosis.

3. Membranous Dysmenorrhea

The cramping pain is usually accompanied by the passage of membranes which may take the form of casts of the uterine cavity.

It is usually rare, runs in families and recur after pregnancy.

4. Ovarian Dysmenorrhoea

Ovarian dysmenorrhoea is due to ovarian dysfunction and the pain is felt two to three days before menses in lower abdomen and lower back.

Mechanism of Painful Periods

The endometrium is lining of uterus which gets thickened in preparation for pregnancy. At about 14th day from last menstrual period, Ovulation (release of egg) occours.

If at this time fertilisation occours then one gets pregnant but if no fertilisation occours then there is shedding of endometrial tissue bleeding occours and inbuilt uterine tissue os shed off).

The mechanism of primary dysmenorrhea is contraction of uterine muscle that induces local ischaemia (lack of blood supply) to endometerial tissue and hence it sheds off.

During periods prostaglandins are released that damages cells of endometrium and forces uterine contraction. There is constriction of blood vessels during contraction of uterine muscles and endometrial tissue breaks down due to poor blood supply. More forced uterine contractions squeeze out the broken tissue of endometerium out through vagina which is termed as menstrual flow or discharge.

Diagnosis of Painful Periods

The diagnosis of dysmenorrhea is usually made simply on a medical history of menstrual pain and pelvic examination. Sometimes ultrasound , laparoscopy may be required.

What can I do to Avoid Painful Periods or Improve my Situation ?

1) You can apply heat such as hot water bottle to abdomen.

2) You should take adequate rest during periods.

3) Nourishing diet with fruits and plenty of fluid must be taken.

4) Slight exercise can be done.

5) You must avoid any activity which causes stress and strain to your body.

What can Homeopathy do ?

Homeopathy improves the immune power and help to get rid of pain quickly.

It acts on the root cause of pain and provides relief.

Homeopathic constitutional medicine is selected after individualization taking into account your present symptoms, history of dysmenorrhea, medicinal intake history (painkillers, oral contraceptive pills, etc), physical and mental symptoms, associated symptoms along with factors that increase or decrease your pain .

The aim is to prevent you from suffering of painful menses completely and also save you from long continuous use of harmful painkillers.

In cases where anaemia is the cause, we tend to rectify the cause which leads to decrease in hemoglobin level. Just giving iron supplement does not solve the problem.

Same applies for uterine and ovarian dysfunction, pelvic inflammatory diseases, fibroids, cysts ,etc. Unless we treat the underlying cause , we can't cure the problem completely.

Top 10 Homeopathic Medicines for Periods Pain

1. Homeopathic remedy for dysmenorrhoea is MAGNESIUM PHOSPHORICUM which works well when the menstrual pains are neuralgic, shooting ,sharp, cramping, cutting or spasmodic in nature. Pain gets better by warmth, bending double and pressure. Flow can be stringy or membranous extreme gas and colic in abdomen.

2. If there is agonizing pain in abdomen, compelling you to bend over or bring the knees up to create pressure on the abdomen then homeopathic remedy for painful periods is COLOCYNTHIS which can be helpful to relieve pain.

Pains are like lightning shocks, crampy pain in hips is felt. You become extremely irritable and impatient.

3. If there is pain in lower back with nausea or constipation along with irritability then homeopathic remedy NUX VOMICA can be helpful. Pain gets better by heat. There are irregular menstrual periods with constricting pains that can extend to the rectum or the area above the tailbone. You may become impatient, irritable, and easily offended. Chilliness and constipation are also common. Mental strain, anger, physical exertion, stimulants, strong foods, and alcohol increases the pain.

4. Homeopathic remedy CHAMOMILLA works well when there is mental restlessness and pain along with diarrhoea. There is strong labour like painful cramps leading to anger and moaning. Pain is increased by heat.

5. If cramping increases as the menstrual flow increases with extension of pain down the back and up to neck with stiffness, then homeopathic remedy CIMICIFUGA is well indicated. There are sharp pains like electric shocks that shoot upward, across the pelvis or extend down the thighs.

6. Homeopathic remedy BELLADONNA works well when symptoms come on suddenly with heat sensation all over the body. There is bright red menstrual flow profuse and increase in pain from pressure, motion and touch.

7. If there is delayed or suppressed menstrual flow accompanied by nausea or faintness then homeopathic remedy PULSATILLA can work wonders. Cramping pain with scanty flow or thick, dark, clotted discharge. You may feel emotional (tearful) and moods are changeable as well.

8. If there is painful, late, or suppressed menstruation, sometimes with a feeling that the pelvic floor is weak or as if the uterus is sagging or will come out then homeopathic remedy SEPIA is well indicated. Bearing down sensation tends to make you sit crossing your legs to prevent uterus from coming out. You may feel irritable, sad, losing interest temporarily in marital and family interactions, wanting to be left alone. Dampness, perspiring, and doing housework may increase the symptoms. Warmth and exercise, especially dancing often helps.

9. If there is colicky or crampy pain in abdomen during periods with scanty flow lasting only for a few hours then homeopathic remedy VIBURNUM OPULUS can work wonders. The pains get worse in the lower abdomen and extend down to thighs.

10. If fever is present alongwith menstrual pain in aneamic females then homeopathic remedy FERRUM PHOSPHORICUM is well indicated.

There is extreme weakness with menses every three weeks. There is pain on top of head with bearing down sensation.

Note : These are indicated medicines and should be taken after advice of qualified Homeopathic Doctor. A constitutional medicine is prescribed according to case history and individualization of patient which stops further recurrence of Painful Periods / Dysmenorrhea

Why Choose Homeopathy Online for Treatment of Painful Periods / Dysmenorrhea ?

With Homeopathy Online , during your first online consultation, case history is taken which includes your present main complaint, duration of the symptoms, family history,  mental symptoms, any treatment if you have undergone before. Also, we take into account the overall picture of patient – the emotional makeup and general health, the type of illness and specific “modalities” that make the symptoms better or worse. In this way we individualize one patient from another, hence the medicine is then prescribed.

After the consultation, finally we provide you the required steps which you need to take to get rid of the problem from its root cause : 

1. The medicine prescription, if medicines are required to be taken

2. Diet Chart

3. Exercise

4. Weekly or Monthly follow up, depending upon the severity of  problem

To book appointment for the Treatment of Painful Periods / Dysmenorrhea, please visit at -> https://www.homoeopathy-online.com/book-appointment

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